Category: Mobile

  • CSS Lint open sourced

    Nicholas Zakas and I spoke at Velocity a few minutes ago. First we talked about CSS 3 and it’s impact on performance, then we demoed and open sourced CSS Lint! I really couldn’t be more excited (or relieved, I was super duper nervous before this presentation). CSS Lint is a tool to help point out…

  • Performance Double Whammy Hits New Zealand at Webstock

    Interested in Performance and scaling sites to a large number of visitors or pages? I just realized both Steve Souders and I will be giving talks at Webstock next week! This is a pretty amazing opportunity to massively increase your Performance mojo in one go. 🙂 I’m going to be hosting a workshop in which…

  • Optimisation des Images : Les 7 erreurs à éviter at ParisWeb

    Je vais parler (en francais! eek!) avec Eric Daspet de la performance des images pour le web a ParisWeb. Les inscriptions pour Paris Web 2008 sont officiellement ouvertes. Jusqu’au 15 octobre au soir, vous bénéficierez de tarifs réduits. Le conference sera lieu a Paris le 13-15 Novembre. J’attend vous voir bientot alors. 😉 Voila le…

  • iPhone, the morning after

    My Treo stopped syncing in January and I immediately started missing all my meetings. I need the device to ring every few seconds to remind me to blink and breathe, so life without a properly synced agenda was awful — just ask my colleagues. Guppy brain. A Palm user for the past eight years, I…

  • Video, Yahoo!s latest performance breakthroughs, or — I’m famous!

    Well, not quite. 😉 But I am pleased with the results. Who would have thought that the shy girl who almost failed a public speaking course at university would turn out to really enjoy presenting. Turns out I only like speaking about geeky things, preferably to geeks. A limitation perhaps, but far less limiting than…

  • Yahoo!’s Latest Performance Breakthroughs

    The Exceptional Performance team at Yahoo! added 20 new performance rules and refined some of the original rules. I’m really excited about this; this performance goodness is just what developers need to accelerate the user experience even further. Flush the buffer early Use GET for AJAX requests Post-load components Preload components Reduce the number of…